Renewable Energy Designing

I am Planning to design a new way to harvest Renewable energy in a safe way for the planet. I plan on Doing this by designing a machine that incorporates Hydroelectric, Solar, and wind power all in one machine. This will be Difficult because each energy type requires it’s own needs to generate power. Water, Wind, Ect. I am going to be leaving out Nuclear energy For reasons such as Size, maintenance and possible dangers.

6 thoughts on “Renewable Energy Designing

Oh my gosh, Blake, this is exciting! If only your design for harvesting renewable energy could actually be built, we would be in a better place regarding our planet Earth. I wonder if you will be creating four separate designs, one for each type, or if you plan to somehow make a gargantuan design that incorporates both. Maybe you’ll discover what works as you go forward. I can’t wait.

I like how you said you would keep out nuclear energy because you are right!
Nuclear energy has a lot of safety hazards so I like that you left that out

I like how you are trying to make something for the planet,which is renewable energy.

I think its really cool how you are designing something that benefits both humans and our planet. I’m wondering if this machine can be all terrain or can only work in certain places on earth. I am also wondering how big this machine will be and bow much it will cost. I’m glad that your interested in making something that helps society and the planet as a whole.

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